50 Forward Club

Are you a woman over 50 looking for inspiration?

50ForwardClub is an Instagram feed created by coach Lisa Murphy that celebrates 50+ women who are creating lives that they love.

Happy midlife women

The first post in April 2021 shared these words:

Gina Torres is progressing at her own pace, and that’s something that all midlife women can learn from. The 54-year-old actress and …

How have you changed since you were 32? Stacy London, the 54-year-old author, stylist and TV personality, is loving her current self …

Oprah says, "People who lie about their age are denying the truth and contributing to a sickness pervading our society—the sickness of wanting to be what you're not."

56-year-old actor and Oscar Nominee Salma Hayek has many insightful things to say on learning to celebrate your own beauty, inside and …